aposta futebol nordeste


brolly bear


welcome  |  about  |  application  |  donate  |  wish list  |  links  |  contact  |  adopted akitas!  |  akita tribute

the van  |  thank you  |  hurricane sandy  |  lifetime residents  |  akita stars  |  store


available akitas

dream  |  duchess  |  emiko  |  fendi  |  gemma  |  kissy  |  koyo 

layla  |  lulu  |  ruby  |  serena  |  zoey

atticus  |  bo  |  brolly bear  |  cody  |  everett  |  jack  |  gucci

  marty  |  max ray  |  romeo  |  sam  |  shebaz  |  sprinkles  |  toshi  |  yoshi

princess & zeke

courtesy post disclaimer

clea cl  |  leeland cp  |  molly cp  |  paisley cp  |  tucker cp 



jolly brolly bear was left at a rural nc animal shelter by his owner. we are not sure if a reason was given. brolly has been awesome from the start, he is outgoing, housebroken, smart, and loves people. currently brolly is in lagrange, nc awaiting his ride up to nj. everyone who meets him loves this big happy bear.

if you're interested in meeting brolly bear please fill out the

big east akita rescue adoption application.


all about me

big east akita rescue, 1001 fischer blvd. pmb 136, toms river, nj 08753. (609)-388-7004. all rights reserved

endereço:Rua Jupiara,13- Candeias, Jaboatão dos Guararapes PE Brasil


how to sponsor: in paypal, enter your contribution and note in the comments section the name of the bear dog you’d like to sponsor, along with any information you’d like us to include on our website.